Hiring a Landscape Contractor

Landscaping is not an easy job. After all, it is physical labor and mind mapping the plants and designs and making them look aesthetically pleasing – all at the same time. However, even if you do have a knack for gardening and landscape designing, there is a hassle-free way of getting things done your way – A Landscape Contractor.

landscape contractor

Hiring a reliable landscape contractor is the easiest way of ensuring your landscape details are catered to perfection. However, choosing a landscape contractor can be challenging. After all, there are many out there in the market with practical skills up their alley. So how can you choose one that fits your requirement? Let us help you find out.

Here are ten questions you can ask your landscape contractor to land a good deal:

1. How long will the landscape project take?

It is the most important question to find out if your landscape project will finish in time, especially if you have a deadline.

2. What would be the schedule?

Scheduling conflicts should be avoided. Hence, the answer should help you narrow down the prospects to those who finish your work at the earliest opportunity.

3. From where do you source your pre-grown plants?

Naturally, while some plantings would be sown to be grown in your garden, some might be laced pre-grown. Hence, knowing the sub-contractor is crucial to avoiding spoiled plants.

4. Who will handle the maintenance?

Many landscape contractors offer maintenance packages too. So ask them if they would be willing to cater to your landscape maintenance needs all around the year.

5. When should I expect the plantings to mature?

Although your landscape contractor will look after everything, knowing when your plantings mature is essential to have your responsibility covered.

6. Who should I reach if there is an issue?

Ask them for any troubleshooting assistance in case of an emergency or issue. You don’t want rodents and pests attacking your landscape.

7. Is outdoor lighting part of the landscape?

Many people prefer outdoor lighting to be included in the landscape design. So ask your contractor if you want the same so that you know the charges and costs.

8. Is there space to negotiate costs?

Everybody likes to get the best price tag as per the services rendered. So asking if there is space to negotiate prices is good enough to avoid any embarrassment later.

9. Do you understand my vision?

If you have a clear vision in mind, it is best to make the landscape contractor understand the layout and ask them if they get it or not. Otherwise, move on to other choices.

10. Should we draw up a contract?

Lastly, draw up a contract if all the answers have been satisfactory. A contractual agreement helps both parties remain on good professional terms.

Bottom Line

Not all landscaping is specific and to the point. However, if you have something in mind and want a landscape constructor to execute it exactly how you would, then it is best to ask a series of questions and make a knowledgeable decision. Hopefully, you get to enjoy a beautiful landscape. Good luck!

Looking for a reliable landscaping and home service company? Connect with Island Home Service as our goal has always been to provide the highest quality services for affordable prices and ensure that our customers are happy! Contact us to get started, today!